Monday, March 16, 2009

Stranger in a Strange New Stadium

The Not So Easy Transition from Old to New Yankee Stadium.....

If holding back tears while attending the last game ever at the "Real" Yankee Stadium, as we reluctantly said goodbye to cathedral none of us diehards wanted to close in the first place wasn't going to make this transition hard enough, the upper management of the New York Yankees found a way to make it even harder, and botch the process even further for many of us fans.

Yes I received my "relocation guide" for my Friday Night Plan, months in advance, months ago, and yes I leafed thru it, and braced for the worst as i read through endless pages of overly wordy convulsion purposely constructed to not only cover their arses (after the fact), but also to overwhelm, confuse, and to lull us into just accepting and agreeing to whatever it was that they had in store for us.

I'm one of many in a sea of DISLOCATED FANS

You see for the last 3 seasons I have had this plan (with my wife), in the upperdeck. Respectable seats that have become progressively better over the years as far as section geography goes, in relation to level we apply for, upperdeck (at least there are no licences $$ to apply for and incur way up there).

But now all of sudden we are completely displaced, demoted, and disregarded. I went from Tier Section 6 in the Old Stadium Low Rows (Infield, Behind Home, towards 1B) to the High Rows of the "300 Level"(whatever that is) "305",wrapped all the way around foulpole (into "un-fair" Territory)

No notice, no explanation, double the cost (literally), and with a 5-Day "take it or leave it", "move it or lose it" notice (again literally).

I took it.

Of course I did...

How couldn't We?

I'm a sucker for the Yankees, and I love my Friday Night Plan.

But their methodology and management of the whole process was less than comforting for us (some real longtime fans and season ticketholders). Their cold, not so subtle approach I can liken to my (now former) proctologist . His bedside manner was lacking also, before each procedure he would remove his gloves and lube his filthy hands with Tabasco Sauce.

I walked away from this experience in similar pain, with the same shameful discomfort, and a sense that maybe, just maybe things could have been handled with a tad bit of more care.

But Forget the "TLC"........

Appease me with a better explanation, more accessibility, more accountability, and more availability from their reps, and some semblance of consistency.

I hear there are some Friday Night Plans poping up on their Website (that may have been a rumor and/or changed again), but still I have a friend with 1yr less seniority that is still shut-out, others that were moved even further, others that were give abbreviated plans without much option.

It irks me if there are "newbees" (1st year getting a plan) out there that will be seated better than I, or people that moved upwards from box seats (because they were priced out by idiotic exorbitant prices and therfore also "displaced"), or Corporately claimed seats (yes thats what this whole stadium restructuring was about in 1st place- MORE LUXURY SUITES & OVER PRICED BOX SEATS WITH WAITER SERVICE)....

Amen to the squeaky wheels plan holders with seniority that get their way (I begrudge them nothing)-But why must I beg, plead, and squeal to get my rightful seat at twice the price in a stadium I didnt want and that we didnt need in the 1st Place.

When did things shift from us being the Team Rich in Tradition, to the Team Getting Richer at the expense of the Loyal Fan?

I mean arent we all in a recession or something to boot?

Hey- If We Waive "A-Narcissus" and his OverPriced Salary, can you please return me to my original seat, for my original price, in my original stadium?

Who Says You Cant Go Home?

Apparently Some Yankee Executives Do........
(at least to us meaningless upperdeck "partial" season ticket holders).......

But Still....

GO YANKS '09.......
